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The Central Finance Board
of the Methodist Church

Deposit Fund


* A.E.R. as at 15 October 2024

View accounts and send secure instructions online with 'CFB Online'.

Our Mission

Methodist Central Hall

Our mission, alongside the Church, is to seek practical solutions which combine Christian ethics and investment returns. We therefore aim...

  • to provide a high quality investment service seeking above average returns
  • to follow a discipline in which the ethical dimension is an integral part of all investment decisions
  • to construct investment portfolios consistent with the moral stance and teachings of the Christian faith
  • to encourage strategic thinking on the ethics of investment
  • to be a Christian witness in the investment community

More about the CFB →


Nature Action 100

Epworth is a signatory of Nature Action 100; a global investor- led engagement initiative focused on supporting greater corporate ambition and action to reverse nature and biodiversity loss. Epworth, along with other institutional investors, is engaging directly with Johnson and Johnson, Anglo American, and The Home Depot.

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Climate Action 100

During the quarter, Epworth undertook an assessment of our engagement with Climate Action 100+. Epworth has engaged with multinational mining company Anglo American since the initiative started back in 2017. Our original goals for the engagement were to:

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Epworth Investment Management

Epworth Investment Management Ltd

Our sister organisation Epworth Investment Management provides our investment services to non-Methodist churches and charities.