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opportunity with integrity

The CFB is committed to seeking both superior returns and improving ethical standards.

Positive approach

We seek to improve the ethical profile of our portfolios by avoiding investments in particular businesses and encouraging better practices in others.

Company engagement

We view our investments as long term partnerships with company managements. We engage in constructive dialogue and practise active voting to challenge social, environmental and ethical considerations.

Integrated process

Ethical research integrated with financial analysis is key to our investment process. Fund managers are responsible for both financial and ethical analysis.

Clear policy

Comprehensive policy statements and position papers offer a reference for clients and a clear focus for fund managers.

Theological grounding

The Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment provides a unique and robust mechanism for testing ethical investment decisions against theological principles.

Quarterly review
March 2024


Thinking around the Climate Emergency and our responsibility to the wider environment has grown in the last few years. Biodiversity has become a focus for investors, with the launch of Nature Action 100 at COP15 in December 2022, and prior to that the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) in July 2021. Epworth are signatories to the

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Tax Justice

Epworth is continuing their engagement with investee companies on the topic of tax justice, promoting the right payment of tax in the right jurisdiction at the right time. Epworth engaged with six new UK companies during the year, as well as following up with two non-responding companies. Epworth has begun an engagement program with its European holdings on the topic of tax transparency. As the Fair Tax Mark has broadened its offering to apply to global companies, Epworth has followed suit and written to seven European headquartered companies.

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More quarterly reviews



q1 2024 image
q4 2023 image
q3 2023 image
q2 2022 image


Voting policy →

the Methodist Church

The Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment (JACEI) provides CFB with advice on ethical issues and reports to the Methodist Conference on CFB compliance with the aims and objectives of the Church.

JACEI Report

The JACEI Report is produced for the Methodist Conference outlining its activities each year. An abbreviated version is also produced. Together they provide a comprehensive survey of the issues that we have addressed...

Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment Report 2023 Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment Report 2022 Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment Report 2021

The Climate emergency

Evidence continues to mount that the Earth is warming and yet greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise.

Read the CFB and JACEI's response →

PRI Assessment Report 2020

As a PRI Signatory (Principles for Responsible Investment), we are pleased to announce that we attained the highest rating of A+ for our overall Strategy and Governance in the 2020 PRI Assessment Report. In fact, we scored above the median rating in all categories and are proud to share our latest report.

Read the report →

in partnership

Carbon Disclosure Project Church Investors Group IIGCC, Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change Access to Medicines Index Access to Nutrition Index FAIRR ECCR, The Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility EITI< The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Institutional Shareholder Services Sustainalytics TRUCOST UNPRI UKSIF Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare, BBFAW

Active membership of global networks and partnerships provide a powerful united voice when dealing with multinational corporations and assist us and our clients to make informed ethical investment decisions.

The Stewardship Code

The CFB supports investor engagement with companies and is a signatory to the Financial Reporting Council's Stewardship Code.

Read our detailed 2022 Stewardship Report in response to the 2022 Stewardship Code.

Montréal Pledge

The CFB is a signatory of the Montréal Carbon Pledge and is committed to a voluntary disclosure of the results. Read the CFB's Montréal Pledge Disclosure.

Recent Policy Statements

Please contact us for other policy statements and position papers.

Have your say...

Our ethics are based on Methodist Church principles. We welcome feedback on an ethical issue. If you would like to discuss these please contact the Chair of JACEI Stephen Wigley on 020 7467 5245.