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Risk warning

The Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church (CFB) is a statutory body established by the Methodist Church Funds Act 1960 and is not considered to be carrying on a regulated activity within the meaning of the Financial Services & Markets Act 2000.

The CFB Funds are designed for the long term investment of the funds of all parts of the Methodist Church and its associated charities. The value of units in the funds can fall as well as rise, as the funds reflect the value of the investments held in them. The level of income is also variable. The funds will therefore not be suitable for use if the possibility of capital losses or reduced income cannot be accepted.

Any estimates of future capital or income returns or details of past performance on this Site are for information purposes and are not to be relied on as a guide to future performance. The CFB does not provide investment advice and nothing on this Site is to be treated as such.

Units are only realisable on the dealing dates which occur monthly.

The CFB will use due skill, care and diligence in carrying out its duties under the Act or as imposed by law. Whilst the CFB will comply with this undertaking in relation to the investment of the fund, it cannot give guarantees regarding repayment of deposits in the Fund.

The monthly Deposit Fund interest distribution rate will fluctuate and past performance is no guarantee of future returns.

Investors are not eligible for the Statutory Investors Compensation Scheme or the services of Financial Services Ombudsman or other protections provided by the regulatory system.